SUENA invest s.r.o.

Company name :

SUENA invest s.r.o.

Address : Na Nivách 7
City / Post code : Samotišky 77200
Country : Czech Republic
Phone / Mobile : +420 773876975
E-mail :
Web site :
Contact person : Pavel Jachan - n/a
VAT Reg No : CZ27800938
Type of company : Producer / Manufacturer
Company activity : Woodworking machinery, Transport & freight, Prism-shaping saw, Cross-cut saw – optimizer, Circular saw, Other equipment, Transport & freight, Curtainsider, Lorry
Business communication : Czech, English
Regional orientation of business : Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Lithuania, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Serbia, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Ukraine, United States
Year company was founded : 2007
Number of employees : 0 - 10
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